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  • various
  • various的所有形式



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2. Various Styles of Music


3. Various Forms of Art


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标题: Exploring the Various Forms of "Various"

As a versatile adjective, "various" can take on different forms to suit different contexts. In this article, we will explore the various ways in which "various" can be used in writing and speech.

1. As a simple adjective

In its simplest form, "various" means diverse or different. For example: "The teacher gave various reasons for the students" poor performance in the exam."

2. In comparative and superlative forms

"Various" can also be used in comparative and superlative forms to show degrees of difference. For example: "The store offers a variety of products, but the larger store has more various selections of items."

3. With intensifiers

When used with an intensifier, "various" can emphasize the variety and extent of differences. For example: "The city has various neighborhoods, each with its own unique character."

4. Collocated with prepositions

"Various" can be collocated with prepositions to express different meanings. For example:

- "In various ways" - to show diverse methods of achieving something

- "For various reasons" - to show multiple reasons for an action or decision

- "Among various options" - to show choices or alternatives

- "With various people" - to show different individuals involved in a situation

5. In idiomatic expressions

"Various" can also be used in idiomatic expressions to show a range of situations or alternatives. For example: "To go off in various directions" - to describe a group that separates or diverges on different paths.


In conclusion, understanding the various forms of "various" can help improve your writing and speech. Whether you are speaking about diversity, alternatives, differences, or methods, "various" can be a versatile and essential adjective.