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  • approach
  • approaching







1. 利弊分析法:考虑到任务或问题的利与弊

2. SWOT分析法:分析任务或问题的优势、劣势、机会以及威胁

3. 核心问题分析法:捕捉任务或问题的关键点




1. 环境:判断当前的环境是什么?需要采取什么措施来适应这种环境?

2. 工具/资源:是否存在特殊的工具或资源,能够提高我们处理问题的效率?

3. 技能:判断自己的技能水平是否足够处理这个问题?是否需要学习和提升相关技能?


1. 较为传统的方法: 借助电子文档来编写报告

2. 引入软件/技术: 使用spss等统计软件或专业的市场调查工具

3. 采用协作方式: 在团队中通过collobration工具进行互动讨论,共同编写报告



- 确保计划,不要草率行事,确保资源和技能配备充分

- 及时调整,及时进行适当的调整和纠正,确保计划可持续性

- 追踪进度,确保我们对计划的实施一直保持跟进和监督


【标题】:Approaching in Communication: 5 Essential Tips


Approaching someone can sometimes feel daunting, especially when it comes to business or professional communication. Whether you’re reaching out to a potential client, a colleague, or a new connection, there are certain strategies you can use to make the experience smoother and more effective. Here are five essential tips for approaching in communication:

1. Do your research beforehand.

Before you even think about reaching out to someone, take the time to research them in advance. This means looking them up on social media, reading their company website, and checking to see if you have any mutual connections. This kind of preliminary research will help you develop a better understanding of who they are and what they’re interested in, which can be helpful when crafting your approach.

2. Keep it short and sweet.

When reaching out to someone for the first time, it’s important to keep your message concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or going into too much detail upfront. Instead, focus on introducing yourself and explaining why you’re getting in touch. If you’re reaching out via email, make sure your message is no longer than a few paragraphs. If you’re reaching out in person or over the phone, try to limit your initial conversation to just a few minutes. 3. Be respectful and polite. No matter how confident you may feel in your approach, it’s important to maintain a level of respect and politeness at all times. This means paying attention to your tone of voice, your word choice, and your body language. Use phrases like “please” and “thank you” whenever possible, and avoid interrupting the other person when they’re speaking. In addition, be sure to listen actively to what they have to say and be respectful of their time.

4. Show interest in their perspective.

When approaching someone, it’s important to remember that they have their own goals, interests, and priorities. One way to make a strong first impression is to show a genuine interest in their perspective. Ask open-ended questions, listen carefully to their responses, and encourage them to elaborate on their ideas. By doing this, you’ll demonstrate that you value their input and that you’re willing to collaborate to achieve positive outcomes.


5. Follow up appropriately.

After making an initial connection with someone, it’s important to follow up appropriately. This means sending a thank-you note or email after your initial conversation, or checking in periodically to see how things are going. In addition, if you’ve made promises or commitments during your conversation, be sure to follow through on them in a timely manner. Doing so will help you establish a trustworthy and reliable professional reputation, which can be invaluable in future communications. By following these five essential tips for approaching in communication, you can make a positive and lasting impression on those you interact with. Remember to do your research, keep things concise, be respectful and polite, show interest in their perspective, and follow up appropriately. With these strategies in mind, you’ll be well on your way to building strong professional relationships and achieving your goals.